
Early Enrollment SEAT SALE - Ends Tomorrow!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Zucchini and Yellow Squash and Daryl

Gosh, a little rain and a little fertilizer and my zucchini and yellow squash plants have just taken off. I was afraid there for awhile they might be mutant squash because they've grown so much more quickly than last summer. But I guess we're just having a better growing a lot of rain. Gotta keep an eye on the plants so we don't have any mutant squash! I remember when my bro-in-law Daryl would grow this stuff every summer, we'd get a zucchini from him that was big enough for six loafs of zucchini bread, a side dish for dinner and some deep fried stuff for an appetizer, with some left over. LOL. He must be sprinkling my garden with magic grow stuff. He's watching out for all of us, I guess. Miss ya dude.


  1. I like the contrasts of the brown fence, the white fence and the green plants. And you included a nice memory to go with it. (((HUGS)))

  2. How did I miss all of these new ones?!?!

    I love photos of greenery or any type of garden because they are so alive and just makes you smile.
