
Early Enrollment SEAT SALE - Ends Tomorrow!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Storms and growth

It's been an interesting week. We've had some nasty storms as well as both cold and hot weather. Above is a picture of one of the storm clouds rolling in over my neighbor's house. Despite the fact that the storm brought three tornadoes to the area that caused a lot of damage (and one that was nice enough to lift up and go over my house instead of running into it) the storm clouds were a thing of beauty. A mixture of light and dark full of thunder and lightning.

The storms have done my garden a lot of good. I guess bad things do have good outcomes sometimes. It's been dark and gloomy around here. But, I also haven't really had to water my garden all week--God did that part for me. These are the first blooms on my tomato plants. I think this one happens to be a Roma tomato plant. Roma tomatoes make good sauce. Can't wait to pick one.

My banana peppers are also starting to grow. This is a pepper that can't be more than half an inch big. So, I'll have some awesome tomatoes and peppers. Throw in some of the cilantro and grab an onion from the fridge (didn't grow any onions this year) and I'll have some awesome salsa around August.


  1. I'll be there in August LOL! Love a good salsa!

    I like all three pix, but I love the storm one. If you hadn't noticed, I love cloud formations, and rolling storms are the BEST! The contrast in your photo between the bright blue sky and the incoming storm is dramatic and awe-inspiring.

  2. Thanks for the complements :) I will save you some salsa.

  3. We're growing the same veggies! Want to share your salsa recipe? I made mine today. Love the tomato bloom pic.

  4. It's a pretty simple recipe. The key to the recipe are the peppers.
