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Friday, June 18, 2010

The patterns left behind

It's really difficult to take pictures of rain. I guess it's just like any other picture of flowing water--the higher the ISO the better. It's easier to take pictures of the patterns that rain leaves behind, like ripples in a puddle or water dripping from our pergola. This is from a few hours ago when we had that scary storm pass through. I had to use a flash because it was very dark outside. It has a bit of repetition and is slightly more interesting than ripples in the puddles on our front porch. Actually, I'm not sure I really like the picture. LOL. Maybe it would be more interesting if I posted this next to a picture from the same spot, but with icicles hanging from the top.


  1. When I first say this I thought it was just really dark wood and then I read that it was wet, it is amazing how a photograph can be so many different things to different people.

    I love the affect that rain has on anything and everything and this is no exception. I like how the middle is popping out and you can see the grain of the wood.
