
Early Enrollment SEAT SALE - Ends Tomorrow!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

baby robins

There are a couple of robins that have built a nest in a bush next to my garage. The nest is a little below eye level. I've shown pictures of them previously. Well, this morning I found that their eggs had hatched. I peeked into the greenery and there was a baby bird looking back at me. I ran and got my camera and snapped a shot. It's a little more blurry than I would have preferred. But I was afraid that mom and dad robin were going to start dive bombing me. They definitely were unhappy, that's for sure. It will be interesting to see the babies out of the nest and hopping around pretty soon.

1 comment:

  1. So adorable, you are like their biographer right now shooting their life :) Great photo!
