
Early Enrollment SEAT SALE - Ends Tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tornado Alley

It's another blog about water, but this is a different kind--the stuff that falls from the sky! These clouds were really ominous (did I spell that correctly?) as they rolled in.

The tornado sirens sounded for what it seems like the millionth time this past month. This is a massive storm. The tornado sirens even sounded in downtown Chicago. I've been working downtown for quite a while and I can't say I've ever heard the tornado sirens before!

I'm sure my neighbors were checking me out in the backyard taking pics of the storm as it rolled in. Well, the worst part of the storm seems to have passed. But it's still really dark outside! Can't wait to hear about the aftermath of this one!


  1. Great shots of clouds. I love storms and would love to photograph the clouds coming in. Unfortunately, where I live, there isn't enough sky to really make that happen...

  2. That's too bad. Plus, when a storm like that rolls in, the last thing you want to be doing is driving out to where there's more sky to get a better picture! I'm glad you like the shots!

  3. Wonderful photos of the clouds! Glad you were not a victim of them<3

  4. I am sorry I am behind, this is such a dynamic shot. Wonderful capture!
