
Early Enrollment SEAT SALE - Ends Tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In the Backyard

Well, now I know it's really spring because the male goldfinches visiting my bird feeder are actually gold. They visit our backyard all year-round. But it's only in the warmer weather that they look so pretty. It was nice to see, especially on a day like today that's cold and rainy.


  1. I like this shot a lot! The almost monochrome of the feeder and background brings sharp focus to the goldfinch. It's great!

  2. I'm envious of any bird close-ups. Are you using a special lens? I can only use the zoom on my digital, and it's always comes out blury. Very pretty Bonnie, especially on a wet day.

  3. Great shot, I love how the bird jumps out at you, nice work.

  4. thanks! yes, I used my telephoto lens. I can never remember exact model numbers, but it's a canon lens.
