
Early Enrollment SEAT SALE - Ends Tomorrow!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

monee reservoir

I had a few free moments to take a drive today. Lots of corn that's drying out, some ripening soybeans. Before you know it, the fall colors will be here. Until then, here's a picture of some floating thingys in storage over at Monee Reservoir--a nice fishing spot near Monee (of course.) One thing I wanted to mention--I saw a lot of beautiful open land, miles of cornfields, soybean fields, forest preserves, hawks etc. Plus we all around here have heard the cries of the coyotes late at night (or in my case, very early in the morning) and the likes of all kinds of critters. Why would you want to pave all of that over with an airport? Furthermore, who would ever think that the Chicago area needs a third airport? Okay, I'm done ranting.


  1. Love the colors, sorry I haven't been able to comment in a while I was on vacation and away from the internet for the most part :)

  2. Thanks Mindy. I appreciate your taking the time to visit and comment on my pics--especially since you've been my only commenter lately :)
